Making My Big Move



I have made many references in my book A Terrible Beauty to the emotional trauma that I experienced in 1968 when I watched 800 young American soldiers die in Vietnam. I have ever since been haunted by the magnificence with which they did their duty. Also haunting me was the suspicion that they had perhaps died needlessly, that there was no genuine need for this war, other than to enrich the dogs of war (the American arms manufacturers and banking interests that financed the war). So I spent many years reading and studying to figure out the truth.


What I found was that there is an ongoing exploitation of the American people by a group of international bankers. They have, for their own enrichment, maneuvered us into most of our wars. They have also plundered much of the wealth of our country. This group consists of the ten largest banking families. The major player is the Rothschild family in Europe.


The Rothschilds rose to prominence during the time of Napoleon. Prior to Napoleon, wars had always been paid for by the spoils of war. The winner took home the riches of the loser. But Napoleon was the first to turn to bankers to finance some of his wars. A banker in Paris named Rothschild was deeply involved in this. As a result, the Rothschild family eventually emerged as the richest family in Europe. Over the following generations the many sons of this family expanded their influence into all areas, political, business and military. They now have one half of the world’s wealth at their disposal. But they choose to operate with great secrecy so that few people are even aware of their existence.


One indicator of their power is that they secretly have their own country. There is a section of downtown London that they own. It has been declared a separate country, so that English laws do not apply there. You can imagine the advantages to them of this arrangement. Because they control almost all of the media, you will never hear about this through regular channels of communication. As a matter of fact, you will never hear any criticism of the Rothschild empire for this same reason.


One of the major ways that they have made their money is by controlling the banking systems of many European countries, including England and France. So, when the USA began, they attempted to also wrest control of our banking system. Alexander Hamilton pushed their interests here. Knowing this makes more sense of the struggles of Hamilton against other patriot interests, such as Thomas Jefferson. Fortunately Jefferson prevailed.


I shall from now on refer to the Rothschild empire as the “banking cabal”. By the way, the Rockefeller family is the most powerful USA banking family in this cabal. Over the years, American patriots made great strides in resisting the entreaties of the cabal, as the cabal kept trying to take over our banking system.


At this point I should point out how they have interfered in the welfare of other nations. One example: The Tsar of Russia also resisted their overtures. The Tsar was a very good man and was well liked by the people. When the cabal sensed the weakness in Russia that was being caused by WWI, they sent a political radical named Lenin, along with $15 million, in a special sealed train from Paris to Moscow. Using these funds, Lenin successfully engineered the communist revolution in Russia. The Tsar was killed. The Rothschilds prevailed.


Another story worth knowing is the truth about Hitler, and his rise and fall. When Hitler became the chancellor of Germany, the country was in economic shambles. Inflation was out of control, unemployment was 50%, rioting and demonstrations were widespread. Hitler immediately ordered banking reforms, and issued a new currency that was owned by the government. He set up major public works projects. One was to build the autobahn system, which still operates today. [Eisenhower was so impressed with the scope and effect of this highway system that later, as US president, he launched the construction of the US Interstate Highway system in the 1950s, which is basically a copy of the German autobahn system].


With a stable currency, and newly generated prosperity, within a decade Germany rose from shambles to be the strongest country in Europe. This is why the German people worshipped Hitler so. The darker side of Hitler’s personality and his Nazi regime’s horrific and dishonorable methods were overlooked by the people. Hitler had rescued them once, and their trust in him was deep, if tragically mistaken.


Some historians now recognize that the cabal had a heavy hand in maneuvering us into WWII. For instance, one story that has never made sense is Rudolph Hess’s suicidal flight by single engine plane to Ireland in the early days of the war. He was soon captured. Then he was tortured, his legs were broken, and he spent the rest of his life imprisoned by the British. What did he do to deserve such treatment? He didn’t murder anyone, he was only Hitler’s  personal aide during the first part of Hitler’s reign, well before the Nazi atrocities began.  Also, later many Nuremburg war criminals who had done horrific things, received lesser sentences than did Hess. It didn’t make sense. For the rest of his imprisoned life he was never permitted to be alone with any visitor. What were they afraid that he might say? It is widely suspected that when he was in his mid-sixties he was strangled in his cell by British agents to prevent his eventual release.


What is believed by many historians is that the actual purpose of Hess’s secret flight to Ireland was that he was sent by Hitler as a secret emissary to negotiate peace with the British. The cabal did not want peace. They wanted the banking systems of Russia and Germany destroyed. Peace was in conflict with the cabal agenda to destroy both the governments of Russia and Germany, the two countries that kept cabal banking out of their country. Thus Hess had to be stopped, and the true purpose of Hess’s journey had to be kept secret.


Could it be that the horrific destruction in Europe, the death of millions, the devastation of so many countries, was all to further the agendas of the cabal? Some think so.


The cabal had waited patiently for many years for the opportunity to get the cabal monetary system installed in the USA. Finally an opportunity arose. They placed a political neophyte, Woodrow Wilson, as president. His personal advisor was the infamous and mysterious “Colonel Edward House”. House was the Rothschild’s personal flunkie, passing along Rothschild orders to the inexperienced president. So they ran our country.


The Rothschilds created a private American company, named the Federal Reserve Bank. It was incorporated in Delaware in 1913. At 10:00pm on Christmas Eve, 1913, a secret meeting of congress was called. With few members of congress present (all Rothschild stooges) the Federal Reserve act was passed, establishing the Federal Reserve Bank as the official bank of the USA. When the rest of congress returned after the holidays it was a done deal.


What this meant was that from then on, the Federal Reserve would issue all currency. What this meant is that the Federal Reserve could print a $100 bill (it cost them 2 cents to do this), and sell it to the American public for $100. In this manner they have earned approximately $200 billion dollars a year, all with no risk and no investment. Using their massive influence with the US congress and the media, the cabal managed to convince the American public that the Federal Reserve Bank is part of the US government. This charade carries on today. Only a few realize the truth. As Congressman Ron Paul often says, “The Federal Reserve is no more part of our government than is Federal Express”.


[Note; the book The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin is an excellent reference source for this information.]


The implications of this are immense. The much touted Federal Debt is not real. We do not owe the trillions of dollars to them that you are told that we do. Why not? Because it is a fraudulent debt. I will explain why below.


In 1914 a dollar was worth a dollar. Today it is worth 7 cents. How did this happen? Because of the Federal Reserve. They can print our money as they see fit, and use it as they see fit. Our congress will not allow them to be audited. With no oversight of any type, the cabal has run amok with our money. As they have issued our money for their own personal banking and investment uses, this oversupply of currency in the system has led to the inflation that has eventually crippled the value of our money.


Why does the Federal Reserve Bank push wars? Because they are so profitable. We pay for our wars with money borrowed from the Federal Reserve. We pay interest on this money. Since it costs the cabal nothing to issue this currency, it is immensely profitable for them (both the principal and the interest are all profit). With these ill-gotten gains, they have bought up control of our oil, automotive, pharmaceutical, media (newspapers, TV and movie entertainment). They make massive political donations to control our white house and congress. They seem unstoppable. With their massive power who can oppose them?


It was in 1995 that I eventually figured all this out. I was living in Orlando, Florida. I was single at the time. I still had a deep need to do something to validate the loss of all those soldiers who I saw die in Vietnam in 1968.


A Little Empire Fights Back


In 1995 my life was not going well. I had financial and business problems galore, my personal life was a mess, and I was unhappy. So, after pondering on it for a while, I decided to do something against the Federal Reserve Bank. Granted, it would probably be futile. But at least I would be striking back on behalf of “the 800”, the young Americans from Rach Kein (our base camp) who died in Vietnam. I decided to sue the Federal Reserve Bank in Federal Court in Tampa Florida. I would use the provisions of Title 42 of the US Code. The basis of my lawsuit would be:

  1. The Federal Reserve Bank was private bank, incorporated in Delaware. I had a copy of their organization papers, sealed with approval by the State of Delaware.
  2. All private business must register with the Secretary of State in which they operate. For example, if I go to Nevada and conduct business with my Colorado corporation, I must register with the Secretary of State of Nevada. This is so Nevada can insure that I pay proper taxes for the business that I conduct in their state. If I do not register, all the business that I have conducted in Nevada is null and void.
  3. The Federal Reserve has never registered to do business with the Secretary of State of any of the 50 states in which it does business.
  4. Why do they do this? I believe that one of the reasons that the Federal Reserve pretends to be part of the government is so that they do not pay taxes. Taxes on their profits, which approach 100%, would be immense. The Federal Reserve pays no taxes at all.
  5. Because the Federal Reserve is not registered to do business in any of the 50 states, all business that it has conducted since 1914 is null and void. This means, for instance, all home mortgages would become null and void. Imagine if you will, the wild situation that would be created if this were to happen.
  6. The nature of my lawsuit would be that the Federal Reserve Bank is operating illegal in all 50 states, and should be disbanded.



When I approached Orlando attorneys about representing me in the lawsuit, they got wide-eyed and said “You will just get both of us killed. Do you realize who you are going up against?” I understood their concerns, but these lawyers had not gone through plebe year’s Beast Barracks at West Point. Hey, I already knew hopelessness. I already knew terror!


Finally I found a neat guy who said that he would represent me. He was an Annapolis grad, an ex Navy jet fighter pilot who had been disabled in an airplane accident on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier. We made a great team, two old, worn-out warriors who would go down in flames together!


So we filed the lawsuit. Three days later my teenage kids told me that someone was stealing our garbage. Someone was coming in at night and removing the garbage bags from the trash cans that were outside our house. My kids thought that this was neat. “We don’t have to take out the garbage any more”, they joyfully joked with me.


Then a week later, things got more interesting. I had a lot of teenagers living with me. There were five cars in the driveway. One morning my son woke me up, “Dad you had better come out and look at our cars”. All of the cars had been vandalized. The hoods were open, the trunks were open, the glove boxes were emptied, and all of the contents of the glove boxes were spread out evenly and neatly on the front seat of each car. Was this a warning or what?  I realized that the next time all they had to do was plant a small package of drugs in one of the cars, call the police, and I would be headed for prison. Things were getting serious.


Then our first hearing in Federal Court in Tampa came up. My attorney and I appeared, carrying a bundle of documents about 8 inches thick. The Fed was represent by two very average looking attorneys who would not look at us. The judge was an attractive middle-aged woman. She looked like a class act.


The hearing began. The Federal Reserve attorneys jumped up and down, emphatically saying over and over that the Federal Reserve Bank was part of the government and could not be sued. My attorney calmly replied that he would provide documents that would establish our case, that the Federal Reserve was a private company, operating illegally in our state. He then provided the thick stack of documents to the court.


The lady judge glanced over the documents, then stated, “I will review these documents and then rule on this case in about two weeks”.


We felt quite elated. We had expected that the case might be dismissed outright. We were aware of the pressures that must have been brought to bear of the judge to get rid of our case. My attorney had quipped, “Imagine the phone calls. By now, she is probably on a first name basis with people from the governor’s office and the white house”.


Well in two weeks she ruled. She dismissed the case. She did not rule either for or against us. I have great respect for this woman. She would not do anything unfair. The facts of our lawsuit were valid. But she knew that we could not prevail. She probably guessed what would happen to us if our lawsuit continued. At this point, my attorney and I looked at each other, grinned, and said, “Well that’s that”. We had tried. We had survived, which surprised a number of people.


[Author’s comment: Some have said that my lawsuit against the Federal Reserve was the stupidest thing that I have ever done. Others have said that it was my finest deed. What do you think?]



But It Wasn’t Over


Several weeks later I was approached by some people who had been aware of what we were doing. They cautiously and carefully explained to me that others, with more power and backing, were also attempting to rectify the injustices of the Federal Reserve.


This it was that I was drawn into the most fascinating experience of my lifetime. I became a very minor participant in this movement. I have watched these patriots slowly but consistently win over the cabal. There are elements of our own military (I call them The White Hats), as well as European, Russian and oriental groups from Japan and China. It has been a twenty-three year struggle. But we are winning.


Twenty-three years ago China did not have much influence in the world. Things have sure changed, as China now emerges as a world superpower. Their support has really helped the movement, especially since the World Court can no longer ignore their influence. And they have used the World Court effectively against the group that stole their national treasure.


I expect that this story will be old news and even ancient history by the time my grandchildren read this. I hope so. But I did want to tell you my part in it.




Why China got involved

(never cheat a chinaman)



You may ask why China got involved in our struggle to overthrow the banking cabal.


Here is the story. In the 1930’s, Japan invaded China. The Japanese advanced rapidly, and soon controlled a large part of Chinese territory. It was feared that they would soon reach the imperial courts where a vast amount of Chinese treasure was stored. This included many thousands of tons of gold bullion, the result of thousands of years of accumulation.


China asked the United States for help. They wished to send their gold treasure to the USA for safekeeping. So the US navy sent seven US navy warships to China. All of the Chinese imperial gold horde was loaded on the ships, and it was taken to the United States. It was taken to the Federal Reserve where it was placed in storage.


In return, the Federal Reserve gave China official US Federal Reserve gold certificates. The gold certificates were stored in special Federal Reserve storage trunks, each trunk clearly labelled with its contents. The gold certificates were for 60 years, fully redeemable at the 60 years with the return of the gold.


In the 1990’s China duly presented the gold certificates for repayment of their gold. After some stonewalling, the Federal Reserve told the Chinese government that the gold certificates were forgeries. The Federal Reserve refused to return the gold.


You can just imagine the reaction of the Chinese. I have lived in the Far East. I know how important face-saving is to the oriental cultures. To cheat or disgrace an oriental is to create an imbalance that will never be forgotten.


So when our Federal Reserve screwed the Chinese government out of its trillions of dollars’ worth of gold, it created a serious rift in all future dealings between the USA and China. But, fortunately, the Chinese realize that the American people are not at fault. They know that we are all victims, Chinese and Americans. The Chinese are a patient people. Things have now changed. Now China owns vast amounts of US debt, is accumulating a new horde of gold bullion by buying as much gold on the open market as it can, and is maneuvering to establish its currency (the Yuan) as an internationally acceptable currency (to compete with the dollar?).


You cannot blame the Chinese for not trusting us. And you cannot blame them for eventually seeking retribution for the theft of their national treasure.


The Arabs have a saying, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”. So it is that China is friends with the countries and groups that oppose the cabal.  They have been instrumental in our success. Thank you China.





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"Three fingers Mike"